
Showing posts with the label convert a bench gen ii xl

convert a bench

convert a bench convert a bench ConvertABench Gen II XL Designer Series Outdoor 2in1 BenchToTable..From sharing a cup of coffee with your companion as the sun comes up to a nightcap while the crickets chirp, the ConvertABench provides sturdy seating for .ConvertABench Tan: (New In The Box) *Versatile outdoor bench can be converted to a picnic table *Fold the back and armrests to create a singlesided.Simply slide it together with a second ConvertABench to create a fullsized picnic table (no tools required) that will easily seat 6 adults with a table top that can .Pretty cool idea, especially for smallspace gardens. The fivefoot long bench, seen here, folds out and if you slide two of the benches .Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Premiere Products 5RCAT Resin ConvertABench at the best online prices at eBay!.The Convertabench is great for the patio, porch, or pool. Two benches easily convert to a picnic style table with benches..The ConvertABench is...